Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Faux Pas Lolita Trends? Only Time Will Tell...

In the lolita fashion world, many trends have come and gone. Some are even revitalized. Recently, as in the last two years, there has been many significant trends. I would like to dedicate this post on the trends that stand out and impacted the fashion. You're probably wondering where these trends came from. A significant number of them are because of Japanese lolita brands. Afterall, they are the greatest influence. That brings us to the many Japanese fashions that exist out there and are heavily influenced by brands. The different fashions and brands influence one another and it is no surprise that you would find overlap. Few of the ever existing trends came from individual lolitas. Today, Tumblr remains the largest source of lolita inspiration. By following the right people, you're then part of a close knitted fashion community, therefore, you quickly pick up what other lolitas are up to when it comes to their clothes.
Note: the word "trend" is used loosely.

Long Sheer Overdresses / Peignoirs

Borrowed from the cult party style, these dresses are meant to be worn over printed dresses to create a fairy-like outfit. This wasn't a popular trend, if i can ever called it that, but I have a feeling it will be. This trend is currently not very active. However, Angelic Pretty has implemented a similar concept to their dresses. Remember Angelic Pretty's Day Dream Carnival print? Specifically the "tiered" dress? Do you see a similarity? How about their upcoming Crystal Dream Carnival tiered dress? Angelic Pretty took the idea even further, if you look.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Mail Update: Innocent World


A pleasant surprise arrived at my door this morning: my Innocent World order! These specific items were bought to fill in the missing pieces of my wardrobe, making it more whole. As I mentioned much earlier (the first post), underskirts are becoming a huge trend in lolita fashion, with the brand BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT leading the way. Innocent World has always provided underskirts, but they never blossomed into a trend, unfortunately. If you want a wallet-friendly underskirt, the 'Chinese eBay', Taobao, should have plenty. One in particular is very popular. It serves as both a petticoat and a underskirt. You can find it at
Here is a list of my order:
Bolero x 2
Over-the-Knee Socks x 3
Wrist Cuffs 